Hi everybody, Hope you having fun using our scenerys, first of all as you can see above, we add pages for each project, and if you look again you may notice that there is a page for Serbia!!, so this is our great news of this week, we hope to release the scenery in the next week if everything will go according to plan.
and for some more updates:
1) as some of you may know most of the default airports in P3D and in FSX were made in the time of FS98, there wasn't based on GIS data so there some problems with alignment on photoscenerys (sometimes runways can be placed far from there real place), this thing happened in our photoscenery but thanks to Joop Mak now it solve. Joop created an updated afcads for all the airports in Montenegro Albania and Tbilisi.
you can find the links to the afcads in each project page now
have fun
2) now for more good news, we are happy to announce that we are
currently start working on Macedonia, the first screenshots will
published soon.
3) as you noticed, we also add torrents for our projects, we ask everyone how download our scenerys by torrent to seed, it will help others to download, we currently have low resource and soon we will remove our scenerys from the drive (so the scenerys will be accessible only by torrents), also we have limited connection and we can't seed for 24/7, we hope you can understand and help us.
4) as Project Open Scenery grows we need your help, we have many project to come in the future and this demand more resource to support the project (just to give you information about the size of each project, the work files of Serbia wight 600GB) , we want to make the flight simulator world richer and make it accessible for anybody for free. but to do this we need your help, if you want to support us you can make a donation, if you look on the right side of the page, there is a PayPal donation button, any donation will be accepted and will bring this project one step forward.
thank you very much
and before we finish this post
here is an updated screenshot of the upcoming Serbian scenery