I decided to go even bigger and make more photoscenerys for the desolate areas of flight simulator world, I fly a lot over the Balkan in my routs from Europe to the Middle East. and I must say that this area look abandon and sad, there is so much potential, I know that the landscape in this area is amazing. there is a good airports addons for some regions in the area but it not covering and improving the VFR and high altitude experience.
So here I get in.
The first scenery from more to come in this project (OPS-Open Scenery Project) is for Albanian territory.
it covers 28,748 km2 with 2m/pix resolution
the hole scenery take 6.8GB
it been watermasked and blendmasked but there is still work on the water landclass, hope to update it soon
I release it as a beta so if you find any problems fell free to notify.
Download from Google Drive
Download torrent
Download AFCAD
and here is what it look like, have fun